The County Dublin Beekeepers Association Introduction to Beekeeping Course 2025
The County Dublin Beekeepers Association (CDBKA) will host its annual Introduction to Beekeeping Course in February 2025. The course will run over 8 evenings starting on Thursday the 6th of February 2025 at 7.30 pm. Each session will last an hour and a half with an opportunity for participants to ask questions, there will be tea and coffee served. The location is Wesley House, Leeson Park, Dublin 4. (D06N5P0)
The course costs €140 for 8 sessions and a reading list will be supplied to each participant. All tutors are members of our association and together provide a wealth of beekeeping information and know how, they have experience in encouraging and mentoring beginners for many years.
It is hoped that at the end of the course participants will have a good theoretical knowledge of bees and beekeeping and will know how to get started in beekeeping if they decide it’s for them.
On behalf of the County Dublin Beekeepers Association, we look forward to joining you on your beekeeping journey. Please complete and email the application form at the end of this document to to book a place for 2025
Karin Stierle