The County Dublin Beekeepers Association is affiliated to the Federation of Irish Beekeepers Associations (FIBKA).
As a fully paid-up member of the County Dublin Beekeepers Association (CDBKA) you automatically become a member of the Federation of Irish Beekeepers Associations (FIBKA).
On receipt of your subscription to CDBKA a portion will be sent to FIBKA and you will receive your FIBKA membership number on the envelope of your first copy of An Beachaire.
Benefits to CDBKA members of affiliation with FIBKA
- The Federation of Irish Beekeepers Associations (FIBKA) run extensive Beekeeper education programmes, they run an exam system which is trusted nationally and used by the Ulster Beekeepers Association. The FIBKA syllabus covers Preliminary, Intermediate and Senior levels including Apiary Practical exams and scientific exams. The top level is FIBKA Lecturer this qualification is respected by beekeeping organisations internationally.
- Membership of FIBKA provides the beekeeper with third party insurance for Beekeeping activities.
- FIBKA provide tamper-proof labels and recognised honey jar lids to members which are an excellent selling point, guaranteeing the Honey on sale is Irish as the labels can only be purchased by verified members.
- The FIBKA website (irishbeekeeping.ie) gives all members access to information about developments in beekeeping, other beekeeping associations, issues concerning beekeeping in Ireland, events and activities and updates on discussions with the Department Agriculture Farming and the Marine (DAFM).
- Support for local Beekeeping Associations: FIBKA provides qualified lecturers for local associations and also has a unique video library with lectures from the Summer School at Gormanston, these DVDs are available to all beekeeping associations on request without charge.
- FIBKA liaises with DAFM on behalf of beekeepers, with representation at National level to promote issues concerning beekeeping in Ireland
- FIBKA hosts the major beekeepers’ conference every year, Maynooth Summer School, with international speakers and a full programme of beekeeping events, including the National Honey Show.
Please note that all issues concerning FIBKA membership should be directed to the FIBKA Administration, as the CDBKA membership officer does not have access to FIBKA data.